Can’t do front crawl? Here’s why breaststroke is such a good workout - Stylist

Woman swimming

You’re heading to the pool and have to choose which lane to go in. The fast lane is full of people thrashing along doing front crawl and the slow lane seems to be the domain of swimmers who prefer to do breaststroke at a more leisurely pace. This is of course, totally fine, and the whole reason why most pools have lane swimming sessions, but where do you go if you’re a strong swimmer but don’t want to do front crawl and feel a bit intimidated by the fast lane?

This is one of the issues I find myself facing when I visit my local pool. I love swimming; it’s the sport I’m most proficient at, it gives me an energy boost and is great for my mental health. And I’m quite fast, but I just can’t do front crawl. I could swim breaststroke for hours and hours - but to me, front crawl is exhausting and no fun and I can only ever manage a few lengths at a time.

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