My Husband’s Post-Lockdown Gift To Me? The Snip! - Grazia

Three children is a lot. Three children aged four and under is a lot. Three children aged four and under in one house 24/7 in a pandemic with two working parents is almost too much. And that is why my husband’s post-lockdown gift to me, well, us both really, is a vasectomy.

I think we knew after having our twins in January 2019 that our family was complete but we weren’t ready to say “never again”. It was a tough year - breastfeeding, sleep training, weaning two babies while looking after an energetic two year old. It pushed us to our limits. And then the pandemic happened, just as our twins started walking and seeking danger at every opportunity. As with thousands of parents around the country there were some very low days. The juggle of working, parenting, cooking and cleaning, coupled with the fears of catching and passing on coronavirus, was overwhelming.

We took it one day at a time, as everyone else living through this year has had to do, and when I think back on it now, it all feels like a bit of a blur to be honest. But the one thing which has stayed with us both is the strong feeling that our family is complete. A situation like that again with another child in the mix would have a huge impact on our mental health, relationship, careers and other children.

We had talked about a vasectomy before the pandemic but late last year we made the decision it was the right thing for us.

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